Employment Certificates

Home/Employment Certificates

An Employment Certificate is that certificate issued by an employer to one of its employees that describes the employment history of an existing or a former employee with the organization. It exhaustively describes the dates between which an employee has been associated with the firm, the  various job titles occupied, achievements during the term and that the employee left the employment amicably and in good faith (if no longer an employee).

This can come in handy towards earning a new employment in the U.A.E or other countries, as a prerequisite to higher degrees or even towards obtaining a skill based leave to reside in one of those countries that welcome skilled migrants. However, most Employment Certificates as such are not valid to be used in a foreign country and requires relevant attestation or apostilling to be recognized in a foreign country or a group of countries under the Hague Convention.

It requires the employment certificate, along with the passport copies and the photographs to proceed with attestation. The process of attestation goes through the standard stages as a combination of stamps from the Foreign Offices in the home country and the U.A.E. together.
Kindly give us a shout to have yourself assisted on the matter, as you might well require an attested Employment Certificate for various purposes.

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