Death Certificates

Home/Death Certificates

As the birth and marriage certificates, it’s imperative that a person’s death is officially certified by the authorities by their next of kin to establish that the person isn’t alive anymore and to be eligible for any post life benefits and acquisitions.  For deaths that have happened in hospitals, the doctors in charge are to report the deaths officially for the issuance of the death certificate by the authorities.

Like all the other personal documents, the death certificates are also to be legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the U.A.E to be able to use it for purposes like:

  • To claim insurance by the beneficiary
  • To claim other assets and properties that belongs to the deceased
  • To settle any legal obligations

Although the procedure varies from country to country, the process of the attestation goes through the following stages:

  1. Collection of the following documents at your premises:
  • Original Death Certificate
  • Passport Copy of the deceased
  1. Allow them to undergo the scrutiny and get them attested by the following offices in sequence:
  • The concerned department in the home country
  • Ministry of External Affairs
  • UAE Embassy or Consulate in the home country
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, U.A.E
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