Certified True Copy

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A certified true copy is a special copy of an original document, made by a person such as a notary public, lawyer or commissioner for oaths and it has authentication seals and signatures. This copy of the document is made from an original document, and has a certificate attached to it which says that the person who made the copy has compared the copy to the original, which they have seen.

Which documents do we accept?

The following documents can be certified as true copies through us:

  • Employment and experience letters issued by employers
  • Passport Copies
  • Degree or other educational certificates
  • Utility bills (i.e. DEWA bill etc.)
  • Telephone bills (Etisalat and du)
  • Bank statements
  • Tenancy contracts
  • Marriage certificates

We may still be able to help you in case your document is not listed above. Please contact us so we can advise if we can have your document certified.

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