Divorce Certificates

Home/Divorce Certificates

Like the name suggests, divorce certificates are those documents that officially declare the dissolution of a wedding, which allows a person to remarry as per the civil laws or to apply for singleness. The document usually carries the names of the ex-spouses, the date and place where the marriage was terminated and the legal clauses that explain one’s obligation towards the other, further to the process of divorce. The document in its original form may not be recognised for any local use and hence, it requires to be legalized. Fundamentally, the objective of an attested divorce certificate is to facilitate the following and more:-

  • To remarry inside U.A.E
  • To obtain Singleness Certificate
  • To have the names changed on passport and official documents
  • To have the beneficiaries changed on insurance policies, banking purposes etc.
  • For other legal reasons

The process of the attestation of the Divorce Certificatesusually goes through the following phases, while undertaken by Top Attest:-

  1. Collect the following documents at the customer’s place:-
  • The original Divorce Certificate
  • Passport copy of the certificate holder
  • Visa Copy (wherever essential)
  1. Dispatch these documents to the Home Country to be collected by our partners stationed there and have them verified and attested by the following bodies in sequence:-
  • The concerned department in the home country
  • Ministry of External/Foreign Affairs in the home country
  • A.E. Embassy or Consulate in the home country
  1. This document then gets sent back to us and shall be taken to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, U.A.E for the final attestation
  2. The attested document gets duly sent to the customer at their address, free of any delivery charge

Since different countries have subtle differences in the way these documents are processed and since formal revisions may be introduced from time to time in the processes, we always advice you to seek the most concise information from one of our advisors, before you choose our services. We may be contacted on the following contact information:-

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